REST APIs For EV Charging Applications

eDRV's easy-to-use, flexible and scalable backend APIs allow you to integrate advanced charging management functionality into your applications without getting into the hassle of implementing the Open Charging Point Protocol (OCPP).

Why Use Our APIs?

Considering an in-house OCPP implementation? Don't. Just look at the benefits of using eDRV APIs instead.

Built for Developers

Our well-documented APIs help you build EV charging applications easily. eDRV works with any unlocked, network capable EV charging station based on OCPP 1.6 or 2.0.1. If you are looking to launch an EV charging application, eDRV will save you months of time and money in development and compatibility testing.


const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Get a specific connector
await eDRV.getConnector({id: '5f72f55431a6770a131db279'});


    "ok": true,
    "result": {
      "active": true,
      "status": "Charging",
      "_id": "5f72f55431a6770a131db279",
      "type": "Type 2",
      "format": "Cable",
      "power_type": "AC Single Phase",
      "power": 11,
      "endpoint": "r9l5",
      "evse": "5f72f55431a6770a131db278",
      "ocppId": 1,
      "createdAt": "2020-09-29T08:50:28.558Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-07-29T13:49:16.697Z",
      "rate": "60f8272848170a50c3a7e2a4",
      "owner": "603763d592204c0c840578c6"
    "message": "Found"

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Create a new User (Driver) identity
await eDRV.postUsers({
  active: true,
  source: 'auth0',
  address: {
    streetAndNumber: '1 Soul Avenue',
    city: 'Atlanta',
    postalCode: '30901',
    country: 'USA'
  phone: {mobile: '(705)123-1212', 
          home: '(706)124-1212', 
          work: '(706)125-1212'},
  auth0_id: 'google-oauth2|112615396624755082000',
  firstname: 'James',
  lastname: 'Brown',
  email: ''

Sample Response

  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
    "active": true,
    "source": "auth0",
    "auth0_id": "google-oauth2|112615396624755082000",
    "stripe_id": "cus_J91iwKlaVVQN00",
    "firstname": "James",
    "lastname": "Brown",
    "email": "",
    "active_organization": "603763d692204c0c840578d2",
    "address": {
      "streetAndNumber": "1 Soul Avenue",
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "postalCode": "30901",
      "country": "USA"
    "phone": {
      "mobile": "(705)123-1212",
      "home": "(706)124-1212",
      "work": "(706)125-1212"

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

    party_id: 'EDRV',
    elements: [{price_components: [
                type: 'ENERGY',
                price: 0.35,
                tax: 19,
                step_size: 1
    alt_text: [{
        language: 'EN',
        text: '$0.35 / kWh + Tax'
    country_code: 'US',
    alt_url: '',
    active: true
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err));

Sample Response

//Sample Response
  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
    "country_code": "US",
    "party_id": "EDRV",
    "currency": "USD",
    "elements": [{
        "price_components": [
            "type": "ENERGY",
            "price": 0.35,
            "tax": 19,
            "step_size": 1
    "alt_text": [
        "language": "EN",
        "text": "$0.35 / kWh + Tax"
    "alt_url": "",
    "active": true

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Start a new transaction
await eDRV.remotestart({
  chargestation: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22',
  connector: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f23',
  user: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f24',
  token: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f25'

//Stop a charging transaction
await eDRV.remotestop({
  chargestation: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22',
  user: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f24',
  transaction: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f27'

Sample Response

//Sample Response
  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
    "chargestation": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22",
    "connector": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f23",
    "user": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f24",
    "token": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f25",
    "type": "RemoteStart or RemoteStop",
    "status": "CSAccepted",
    "data": {
      "remoteStartId": 1627036902000

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Reserve a connector for a user
await eDRV.reserve({
  chargestation: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22',
  connector: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f23',
  token: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f25',
  user: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f24',
  endDate: '2021-07-13T16:19:50.340Z'

Sample Response

//Sample Response
  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
  "chargestation": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22",
  "connector": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f23",
  "token": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f25",
  "user": "5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f24",
  "endDate": "2021-07-13T16:19:50.340Z"

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Get a specific Transaction
await eDRV.getTransaction({id: '6102bf6480898d08d80e25ec'});

Sample Response

//Sample Response
  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
      "_id": "6102bf6480898d08d80e25ec",
      "ocppId": "1625756014",
      "status": "Started",
      "evse": "5f72f55431a6770a131db278",
      "connector": "5f72f55431a6770a131db279",
      "token": "60e7116af7c0cc219aa71289",
      "user": "603763d392204c0c840578be",
      "chargestation": "5f72f55431a6770a131db277",
      "rate": "60c21597a2387d4a64952720",
      "stripe_customer": {
        "email": ""
      "cost": {
        "amount": 2.55,
        "currency": "usd"
      "paidAt": "2021-07-08T14:56:47.528Z",
      "paid": true,
      "link_emailed": true,
      "metrics": {
        "chargingStart": "2021-07-08T14:56:47.528Z",
        "chargingStop": "2021-07-08T14:55:55.000Z",
        "timeSpentCharging": 2476,
        "wattHoursConsumed": 4406,
        "meterValue": {
          "timestamp": "2021-07-08T14:55:33Z",
          "Current.Import": {
            "value": "31.16",
            "unit": "A"
          "Power.Active.Import": {
            "value": "7.018",
            "unit": "kW"
          "Voltage": {
            "value": "226.60",
            "unit": "V"
          "Energy.Active.Import.Register": {
            "value": "15.830",
            "unit": "kWh"

Sample Request

const eDRV = require('eDRV');

//Set Power or Current limits on a Trasaction
await eDRV.setchargingprofile({
    transaction: '5fca57b3fbfcc320b3b03f22', 
    unit: 'A',
    limit: 12});

Sample Response

//Sample Response
  "ok": true,
  "message": "string",
  "result": {
    "profile": 1627038803,

Integrations Made Easy

Use our off-the-shelf integrations to boost your network's functionality or use our publicly available APIs to build your own. eDRV provides you with the tools you need to make the most of EV charging. We update and add integrations all the time; check back for updates!

OCPP Connectivity via APIs

Connect to Any OCPP Charging Station with Ease

eDRV eliminates the need for in-house OCPP implementation; control charging stations via our APIs. Explore our growing list of supported charging station vendors.

Talk to us

Want to see eDRV in action? Request a no-obligation demo and gain trial access to explore how eDRV can help your business.
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